General Dentistry

Comprehensive Dental Care

Toothbrush Choices

Toothbrush Choices Electric? Manual? Curved Head? Flat Head? The world of toothbrushes seems to be thriving! If you need some help selecting a toothbrush keep reading. First of all, always follow your dentist’s recommendations. Since your dentist has had a peak into your personal situation, he or she knows best. If you don’t have a…

Comprehensive Dental Care

Are You Afraid of the Dentist?

Afraid of the Dentist? Being afraid of the dentist is really a misnomer.  Most people fear the dental visit not the actual dentist.  On average, most people like their dentist and their dental team.  Fear comes in when thinking about treatment. As a matter of fact, only about 5 – 8% of people are truly dental phobic….