Author: Judy Hendrickson

Dental Implant Considerations

Dental Implant Considerations

When patients come to the office for dental implants , we always try to answer all of their questions concerning the results and the costs.  One question that comes up often is deciding if dental implants are worth it?  We try to suggest thinking about the following questions… Are you in pain?  Are your dentures…

Dentist Reviews for you!

Dentist Reviews for you!

Our patients are amazing.  Our number one goal is to give them the best service and the best dental care in the valley. Our office automatically sends a survey to our patients.  They have the option to respond or not respond. I thought I would share with you their comments about going to the dentist…

Your dentist rides…

Your dentist rides…

Who wouldn’t enjoy a lovely bike ride early on a Saturday morning, especially during the beautiful weather lately! I hope you are all revved up for the RTC Viva Bike Vegas 2013.  I’ll be out there kicking off my ride at about 7:20AM.  Hope to see you out there.  Like our facebook page if you’re…

Dentists and Photography

Dentists and Photography

I don’t know what it is about dentists and photography.  There are many dentists that just love photography.  Not just looking at photos, but spending their time behind the camera taking pictures.  Both myself and Dr Le have a fondness for taking pictures. Perhaps because in our dentist life, the camera is used often or…

Dentists and Hollywood

Dentists and Hollywood

I just don’t get excited about the Oscars.  Don’t get me wrong, I love going to the movies, but all the hype and hoopala!  As a dentist, I’m always looking at teeth and smiles.  Whose smile looks good, who had work done, who should have work redone…the gamut.  This year though, I did enjoying watching…