Women sunning with great smile

Super Summer Smiles Here

Super Summer Smiles!

How easy is it to have a Super Summer Smile?


I’m going to share with you ten tips to keep your smile super summer sparkling all season long!  Ready??

  1.  The obvious…brush your teeth twice a day!
  2. The other obvious…floss your teeth.
  3. Drink plenty of water.  That means > 32 ounces per day for most people. And that’s a greater than sign not and = sign! Drink more water! 🙂
  4. How old is that toothbrush and was it only a $1.00?  Get a new, quality toothbrush!
  5. See your dentist and hygienist regularly.  No need to be afraid.  Regular visits will save you lots of money and fear in the future! Trust me on this one!
  6. Give up smoking!  We know that was so yesterday and most people have quit, but if you haven’t, give it your best!  You CAN do it!
  7. Red Wine, tea and coffee yellow and stain teeth.  Reduce your amounts of those drinks or get to your dental cleanings and have those stains removed.
  8. Might you have some health issues?  Many of those affect your mouth and teeth.  Get your health issues taken care of!
  9. Whitening your teeth always makes them look prettier.  Products from your dentist work better and faster, so check their first.
  10. Avoid snacking, turn to fruits for your sweet treats…okay, ice cream is allowed, but don’t over do it!

ENJOY all of our great super summer smile pictures.

If you, a friend or a relative struggles with dental issues, come see us.  Our passion is helping people live a better life and have a smile that gives them confidence.  

Having a smile that gives you confidence, helps you achieve the life you want because you have a smile that you are proud of.  Give yourself or that special person the gift of freedom…that super, summer smile!

Enjoy your summer and all the super, summer smiles in your world!