Serving Henderson & Las Vegas, NV
Dr. Hendrickson is licensed by The Nevada State Board of Dental Examiners to administer IV Sedation. He is a ten-year member of the American Dental Society of Dental Anesthesiology.
Imagine not being afraid to go to the dentist. Imagine being able to accomplish all your dental care in as little as one appointment. This is what IV Sedation in the dental office can offer you.
Patients choose IV sedation for many reasons. Some patients are having multiple implants placed, some are having many procedures done at once. Whatever your reason, Dr. Hendrickson will evaluate you to see if you are a candidate for IV sedation. If you are a candidate, Dr. Hendrickson will discuss the details involved in having your particular treatment done with sedation.
When patients choose IV sedation, they will need to have a companion bring them to and from our office. Your experienced IV sedation team will monitor you throughout your entire visit. You will be very relaxed, but will not remember any of the sights, smells, or sounds of your visit. You will be completely awake upon leaving the office. Your companion will take you home and stay with you until you’re completely recovered.
If you have questions concerning IV sedation, please call our office.

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