Hey Kids, Have Fun Brushing Your Teeth!
Brushing your teeth is so important not only to your teeth, but your overall health too. Learn how to take care of your teeth the proper way, even if you can’t see a dentist. Also included are some fun activity sheets, especially for those parents that are teaching your child at home right now!
Brushing Your Teeth
How many people are still brushing their teeth the same way they learned as a child? More than you think. That’s why it is so important to learn to brush the proper way.

Children Brush Better With Help
Did you know that parents should supervise their child’s tooth brushing until the age of nine or ten? Yes, that will help them learn how to brush better and save thousands of dollars on fixing decade teeth!
Make Brushing Fun
A parent’s positive attitude toward brushing goes along way. Try and make brushing an enjoyable expereince for your kids. Reward them with an activity (fun pdf’s attached) or a special activity together (reading a favorite story). Whatever it is try to make brushing fun, pleasant and positive.
Need Suggestions?
If you need suggestions, ask your dental hygienist. Our hygiene team is always willing help children with their oral care. You can also visit the websites of peditric dental products such as colgate and crest.
Enjoy Our Free Resources
Find fun, free resources for you and your children on our website. Use as often as you wish and share with your friends! Remember, you are your child’s best role model.