Comprehensive Dental Care

Five Quick Ways To Keep Your Smile Healthy


Everyone wants keep their smile healthy.  You, me and the lady living down the street.  But do you know there are five quick ways you can do this?  Well read on and you’ll find great smile maintenance takes less time than one trip to Target.

  1. Brush twice a day–morning and evening.  Two minutes.  And gosh be methodical…don’t just thrash the brush around in your mouth. Begin on the outside, lower left curve around to the outside, lower right then the same for the top.  You get the idea now implement it the next time you brush.   Learn How To Brush Here
  2. Brush your gums, tongue and roof of your mouth.  Don’t go crazy now…just a light brushing to remove any bacteria.

    Easy Healthy Smiles.
    Healthy smiles are fabulous.
  3. Floss.  Yeah…we know that only the hardcore dentalities  want to floss but you are gonna have to floss to keep your smile healthy.  Still not convinced…just floss once while looking in a mirror that makes everything larger than life.  After that experience you’ll be motivated to floss.  Learn How To Floss Here
  4. Keep your diet healthy. Only if you’ve been living under a rock do you not understand the importance of eating well.  In this day of meal service this and pick up this and run out the door eating, eating well is easier than ever!
  5. Declare war on sugar.  Sugar in your yogurt, sugar in soda, sugar in your bars.  Stop consuming mega amounts of sugar.  (The World Health Organization recommends only FIVE TEASPOONS of sugar PER DAY.)  Sugar = Tooth Decay!


If you can do those five things everyday you are well on your way to keeping your smile healthy!

If you have any questions or are in need of a dentist, you can contact our office, Comprehensive Dental Care in Henderson, NV (702) 735-3284 or by using the form below.  We are always interested in helping people with their dental health.

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