
Invisalign Clear Aligners

You’ll LOVE Invisalign

Why wait any longer for your great smile? At Comprehensive Dental, we have the best pricing on Invisalign and many satisfied clients. Come talk Invisalign at a free consultation. What Do We LOVE that you’ll LOVE? Invisalign! That’s right! Invisalign is the best way to straighten your smile with clear aligners. Clear aligners is the…

Comprehensive Dental Care

Dental Problems and Freedom

Should you be free from dental problems? Sometimes you can’t eat because of the pain. Other times you hide your mouth when you are talking. Many times the thought of laughing scares you. Sometimes you wish you had done things differently. These statements are really dental problems that people who desperately need a dentist think…

Comprehensive Dental Care

Invisalign and Your Smile

Invisawhat? So you aren’t sure what Invisalign is?  Invisalign is an innovative product that is used to straighten your teeth; it has been available since 1997.  This procedure uses a series of custom made clear aligners to straighten your teeth. Since 1997, Invisalign has been responsible for helping over three million people have a perfect, beautiful smile!  …